Source code and pkgs for MacPorts 2.3.0-beta2 are now
available [1]. Testing of either of these install methods is helpful.

Be prepared to encounter bugs. As always, having a recent backup would
be wise. Please report any bugs that you find [2] (after first searching
Trac [3], of course!)

There are a large number of changes in this release. See the ChangeLog
[4] for a list of most of them. You may like to focus your testing on
the new features in that list, as well as your normal usage.

Notable changes since beta1 are:
 * Added a port-tclsh link for the use of contrib scripts, and removed
   the requirement for them to source macports_fastload.tcl.
 * Fixed pkg_mkIndex failure at build time on Leopard and Tiger
 * Fixes for trace mode when not running as root
 * Fixed an error when executing portfiles from the registry

Known issue: make install will fail on Tiger due to chmod not accepting
the -h option. A fix is already on the branch:


[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>
[4] <>

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