On Jun 9, 2016, at 11:30 PM, Kishalay Choudhury wrote:

> I tried to install grace and openmotif for my Mac OSX Yosemite but it gives 
> me the same message and sits there doing nothing for hours:
> Kishalays-MacBook-Air:grace-5.1.25 Kishalay$ port search motif
> openmotif @2.3.4_3 (x11)
>     The Open Motif toolkit for X11
> SoXt @1.2.2_2 (x11, graphics, devel)
>     Xt/Motif glue library for Coin
> vtwm @5.4.6b_1 (x11)
>     Twm with a virtual desktop and optional Motif-like features
> Found 3 ports.
> Kishalays-MacBook-Air:grace-5.1.25 Kishalay$ sudo port install openmotif
> Password:
> Waiting for lock on /opt/local/var/macports/registry/.registry.lock

"Waiting for lock" means you have another MacPorts installation running in 
another Terminal window.

If you do not, maybe MacPorts or your computer crashed or you forcibly 
restarted your computer while another MacPorts process was running. If so, you 
would have to manually clear the lock, but I'm not sure how to do that; maybe 
someone else knows.

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