> On Jun 19, 2016, at 17:15, Mark Anderson <e...@emer.net> wrote:
> Jeremy, I'm still interested in a answer as to what is covered by this:
> Further, Apple agrees that You will not be bound by the foregoing 
> confidentiality terms with regard to technical information about pre-release 
> Apple Software and services disclosed by Apple at WWDC (Apple’s Worldwide 
> Developers Conference), except that You may not post screenshots, write 
> public reviews or redistribute any pre-release Apple Software or services.
> Genuinely, not sarcastically or politically. I have no interest in losing my 
> developer program membership. What about Sierra and iOS 10 can we talk about 
> based on this clause? I had thought it was stuff like this, but I appear to 
> have been mistaken.

Hey Mark,

My personal and unaffiliated (Apple hat is off) strict interpretation of this 
is that you can discuss anything that was made publicly available by Apple 
through public announcements but nothing more.  In the past, these restrictions 
were much tighter, but they have loosened up quite a bit over the past few 
years alongside the public betas.  I suggest you reach out to Apple WWDR for 
clarification on the terms if you are uncertain (and I would be extremely happy 
to be wrong if they state otherwise), but it's always good to be on the safe 
side.  As someone else mentioned on the thread, Apple did not disclose MacPorts 
interoperability with Sierra, so a strict interpretation of the agreement would 
suggest keeping a lid on it with respect to MacPorts and filing radars at 
http://bugreport.apple.com for any compatibility issue you run into (and I'd 
welcome getting pinged about such issues, so I can look into them personally).

Also note that in the past, such restrictions loosened once the first public 
beta was made available, so it's possible that such open discussion will be ok 
once that happens.


> —Mark
> _______________________
> Mark E. Anderson <e...@emer.net>
> On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Jeremy Sequoia <jerem...@apple.com> wrote:
> Sent from my iPhone...
> > On Jun 19, 2016, at 13:55, Bachsau <w...@bachsau.name> wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Am 19.06.2016 um 05:24 schrieb Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia 
> >> <jerem...@apple.com>:
> >>
> >> As a reminder, macOS 10.12 Sierra has only been released as a developer 
> >> preview to developers and is covered by an NDA.
> >
> > Ever heard of something called "free speech"? The snowden leaks were also 
> > covered by an NDA an we know what it led to.
> I suggest you consult with a lawyer to learn a bit about those terms, and 
> they can explain to you that NDAs are not a violation of one's first 
> amendment rights.
> Because of his well informed choice, Snowden basically lost his freedom of 
> movement and is confined to "living on the Internet" (in Russia).  While the 
> same won't happen here and your analogy is quite laughable, it is important 
> for developers to remember the agreements that they have signed and honor 
> their word if they expect others to trust them in the future.  Most 
> violations (like this) are simply accidental and developers for the most part 
> want to honor the agreement and appreciate such clarifications and reminders. 
>  Egregious and intentional violations of the NDA have in the past resulted in 
> termination of the developer relationship with Apple which can be quite 
> damaging to a developer's livelihood.  I'm just trying to help protect the 
> developers that want to honor their word.
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