On Tuesday September 27 2016 03:31:51 Ryan Schmidt wrote:

>The official word from Apple is that it is called "Mac OS" before 10.0, "Mac 
>OS X" from 10.0 to 10.7, "OS X" from 10.7 to 10.11, "macOS" from 10.12 
>onwards, and "the Mac operating system" when not specifying a version. Whether 
>we like Apple's OS names or not, it's less confusing to users if we use the 
>same terminology Apple does.

I don't disagree, but that doesn't prevent anyone from working around this mess 
(can we call it any other way?) by avoiding the exact situation in which that 
terminology has to be applied.
Otherwise we'd end up with

"Ports system for Mac OS X (10.0 to 10.7), OS X (10.7 to 10.11) and macOS 

And that's not even taking into account what users see when doing "About this 
Mac" (I'm not on my Mac atm but can only check for 10.9 anyway), what they see 
written on their install media, etc.

>I have fond memories of System 6 and 7. You can enjoy them again by running 
>"sudo port install minivmac-devel" and visiting 

So do I, which is why I still remember the ExitToShell address. I don't really 
feel the need to relive that period (and remembering its endless opportunities 
etc. ...) but I'm sure it must be like a wet dream to see System 7 run on 
current-day hardware. Playing Bolo again, and pranks with hidden Duracell bunny 
CDEF would be cool though :)

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