I recently moved from El Capitan to Sierra and failed miserably when trying to 
upgrade MacPorts. I am now trying to get MacPorts going again from scratch 
rather than upgrading and had occasion to use port diagnose. Here’s what was 
displayed on the screen:

sudo port diagnose
Error: currently installed version of Xcode, 8.3.2, is not supported by 
MacPorts.  For your currently installed system, only the following versions of 
Xcode are supported:  8.3.1 8.3 8.2.1 8.2 8.1 8.0

The file guide.macports.org says in a Note in Section 2.1:

Always make sure to install the latest available version of Xcode for your OS X 
release; using outdated versions of Xcode may cause port install failures.

Which is right?

Also is it safe to assume that installing a new Xcode gets rid of any older one 
or does something extra need to be done?

Help with these queries would be much appreciated.

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