On May 30, 2017, at 4:24 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
>> Another semi-weird solution would be to somehow declare a list of
>> "high priority" ports that always get updated first even if no other
>> port depends on them (either in the core or as a special keyword in
>> the Portfile).
> My initial impression of this idea is that I like it, for gawk, grep, gsed, 
> and any others that are automatically searched for by default configure 
> scripts. But remember that those ports have dependencies. Not many, but each 
> of those dependencies would have to be handled by my previous suggestion, 
> modifying each to ensure only the system version of those utilities is used.

For this particular class of problems (autoconf picking up gawk/gsed, etc.) 
base could populate the environment with the system awk/sed etc. (ie base could 
do what the APR port does with configure.env).

Or, base could auto-add these soft dependencies for anything that does the 
'normal 'configure' phase.

Daniel J. Luke

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