On Sep 20, 2017, at 01:31, db wrote:
> On 19 Sep 2017, at 23:06, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Sep 19, 2017, at 11:40, db wrote:
>>> On 19 Sep 2017, at 01:01, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>> For certain subsets of ports, you can get by with installing just one or 
>>>> the other.
>>> How can I know this beforehand? That's the reason I'm actually asking what 
>>> exactly MP needs Xcode, CLT or both for. For example, if a port uses 
>>> portgroup xcode, I may infer that it most certainly will need that 
>>> application.
>> I'm not aware of a way to know in advance.
> I thought I could at least assume that any port whose interface is a command 
> line and whose features allegedly don't use any particular Apple framework 
> that I'm aware of, wouldn't need Xcode.

That sounds plausible but I haven't personally that assumption for all 10,000+ 
portfiles so I don't know if it's true.

> Is it trial and error then?

Sure, if you like. Or just install both and then you won't run into any 

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