On 20 January 2018 at 21:55, Uli Wienands wrote:
> Ok, I did selfupdate Macports and tried again, and indeed it now gets past
> this hurdle.
> However, at the end it tells me that all compilers are blacklisted & it will
> default to first fall-back option (whatever that is)_. It then wants to
> install clang 5.0 and llvm 5.0, at which time I said "no" and let the thing
> terminate. I really don't want to install another compiler.

It might be the case that if someone would put *a lot* more effort
into the project and bugfixing, one could get the desired packages
installed with slightly less dependencies. But if you think you have
too many compilers installed, it would make way more sense to
uninstall all of those gcc versions than to resist installing a single
clang version.

If you are working on an ancient OS without any security updates for
ages and then actively fighting against workarounds that were supposed
to make things work on that ancient OS, then you should be skilled
enough yourself to find alternative workarounds.

> I have gcc up to
> 7 and I don't think clang works particularly well with Snow Leo. (I also
> don't think clang 5 would build on Snow Leo).

Please file a ticket with the build log of the failure attached.

> Tracking this down a little further, it seems that qscintilla-qt4 is unhappy
> with my compilers. Trying to install it separately using macport's gcc-6
> bombs as gcc-6 does not seem to understand a flag like -Xarch=64 (or
> something like this; the log file got clobbered since).

If you are asking for help with totally unsupported configuration and
then don't even bother to point to the exact failure, the chances to
get any help are limiting towards zero.

Anyway, someone could probably write a few pages of text explaining
why manually forcing gcc on your setup is a bad idea, but take it as a
hint that it most often is and you should not file tickets of problems
that resulted from attempts to force the usage of gcc compiler in
places where MacPorts wanted to use the latest clang.

> Looking into the portfile for qscintilla-qt4, but I cannot see where it
> blacklists compilers.

It's probably the qt4 PortGroup (or some other PortGroup for that
matter, I didn't check).

> Does anyone know how to comple scintilla-qt4 using gcc? Seems hard to
> believe this does not work (the same install worked beautifully on a
> Raspberry Pi not long ago).

Even if it can be done (it probably can), having a C++ library
compiled by gcc without additional precautions will generally lead to
zillion of problems. My personal suggestion is not to do it unless you
know exactly what you are doing. You'll end up with lots of
incompatibilities with the standard library to start with. The only
conditionally acceptable way is to use the cxx-1.1 PortGroup.


> On Jan 20, 2018, at 12:40 AM, Ken Cunningham
> <ken.cunningham.web...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2018-01-19, at 9:59 PM, Ken Cunningham wrote:
> error:
> :info:build Undefined symbols:
> :info:build   "_strnlen", referenced from:
> :info:build       _main in sldtoppm.o
> :info:build ld: symbol(s) not found
> Not clear - I just installed it without any issue, without modifying the
> portfle ...
> $ port -v installed netpbm
> The following ports are currently installed:
> netpbm @10.81.02_0+x11 (active) platform='darwin 10' archs='x86_64'
> date='2018-01-19T21:51:00-0800'
> Ah - Ryan fixed it between your attempt and mine
> <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/55716>
> Perhaps you should consider opening a ticket so we can work through this
> properly. <https://trac.macports.org/newticket>
> Please don't - it's fixed already.
> sudo port selfupdate
> and then try your build again
> K

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