On Jun 14, 2018, at 12:58, Langer, Stephen A. (Fed) wrote:

> Thanks for the advice.  If I make a new non-standardly located macports 
> directory on my system, build my program and all of its dependencies in that 
> directory (including dependencies that aren't packaged with macports), and 
> then package it with "port mpkg", is that guaranteed to avoid conflicts on 
> users' systems?  I'd be using both a non-default installation prefix in my 
> portfile, and also a non-default version of macports to build it.

Note that "port mpkg" will only include files that were (or can be) installed 
by MacPorts (with "sudo port install ..."). If your software depends on things 
that aren't in MacPorts, you'll have to write Portfiles for those things first, 
and either contribute them to MacPorts for inclusion in our repository, or at 
least have them available in the PortIndex of the MacPorts installation in 
which you run "port mpkg".

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