I would stay away from Google Chrome. Takes up lots of room, many adware 
vulnerabilities and Google tracking is alive and well.

Brave Browser is getting a lot of attention recently and I've started using it 
as a second browser <https://brave.com>.

I don't know of any browser that meets all your requirements without add-on / 

Mountain View, CA

On Sun, Feb 03, 2019 at 06:56 PM, James Linder wrote:
> Hi 
> I’ve been using firefox for a while. but increasingly it is getting draconian.
> From firefox’s forums:
> <quote>
> Ah, I see Mozilla is adopting the Microsoft Windows 10 attitude:
> “We know what’s best for you. Turn off updates completely? What folly! We 
> reserve the right to nag you incessantly until you comply! Use a feature 
> which we deem obsolete or not important enough to support anymore (cough, 
> RSS, cough)? We’ll dump it and you’ll learn to live with it.” Oh, and we have 
> this neato new thingy we’re just dying to try out on you. You’ll just LOVE 
> it, promise! Even if you don’t, hey, we’re getting a nice kickback from a 
> third party for including it, so WE’LL love it.”
> Good luck with that strategy, guys. You’re going to need it.
> </quote>
> Are there any ports or browsers that you folk can recomend:
> I want RSS feeds
> I want NO search in URL bar
> I want a search bar
> I want the choice of updates free of nags
> James

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