> On Mar 6, 2019, at 13:35, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:

> Rust is a programming language. The rust port provides a Rust compiler. You 
> need a Rust compiler if you want to compile software written in the Rust 
> language.


> Now that the librsvg you use has been downgraded to a version that no longer 
> requires rust, you can uninstall rust. You can safely try to uninstall any 
> port anytime you like. If it is required by another port you have installed, 
> MacPorts will let you know and will prevent the uninstallation.
> MacPorts is a volunteer organization. The reason why nobody has fixed the bug 
> you mentioned is that nobody has volunteered to do so. It looks like there is 
> a suggestion in the bug report that raising the ulimit might help. If anybody 
> would like to attempt to integrate a solution for this into the rust portfile 
> and submit a pull request, that would be great.

Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed and informative 
explanation. I learned a lot.

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