
I was finally able to contact an the IT person responsible for the Seattle mirror. I'll attach the information I have.
--- Begin Message ---

Thanks for tracking that down for me and I’ll pass it on.

Strangely it was last updated on July 17, 2018 and the last time I used it was 
yesterday, so it's clearly still on-line and out-of-date. Difficult to believe 
it was properly de-commissioned.

Sent from my iPad


> On Mar 15, 2019, at 16:14, Allen, Lewis W <lewis.al...@pnnl.gov> wrote:
> Al,
> I was able to track down the system owner and they stated that this was 
> decommissioned several years ago.  Not sure when you last used it but 
> according them it's been decommissioned.
> Lewis
> On 3/14/19, 4:41 PM, "Al Varnell" <alvarn...@mac.com> wrote:
>    As mentioned in my voicemail I'm writing to you to determine the status of 
> one of the servers that I've been told you are responsible for.
>    I'm a MacPorts user and have been using your mirror to get updates since 
> it appears to be the only one located in the US.
>    The URL I have is sea.us.rsync.macports.org which comes back to 
>    I've contacted MacPorts about this a couple of times and they have 
> indicated that their attempts to contact their POC have gone unanswered.
>    Can you tell me what the status is so that I can pass it on to the 
> MacPorts folks?
>    -Al-
>    -- 
>    Al Varnell
>    Mountain View, CA

--- End Message ---
TL;DR They claim to have decommissioned that server several years ago, but I was still able to conduct an "update" using it yesterday and we know it was updated last July, so I can't fully accept that story. Unless they respond to my last comment, I'm guessing it will need to be removed from <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Mirrors>.


On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 04:48 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
I have not received a response.

On Oct 23, 2018, at 04:20, Al Varnell <alvarn...@mac.com> wrote:

Another week has gone by and Seattle mirror still has not been updated.

What does the administrator have to say?


On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 06:22 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
On Oct 14, 2018, at 06:42, Al Varnell wrote:

It's been ten days now and the Seattle mirror still doesn't have the MacPorts 2.5.4! Makes me wonder what else is out of date there?

Looks like the Seattle mirror has not updated MacPorts content since July 17, 2018. I will ask the administrator of the mirror what's going on.

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