> On 20 Sep 2019, at 18:29, Dr M J Carter <martin.car...@physics.ox.ac.uk> 
> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 05:33:02PM +0200, Gerben Wierda wrote:
>>   I’m new to tcl, so maybe this is simple, but I haven’t been able to solve
>>   it.
>> startupitem.start      "[variant_isset "withdnsserver"] ? "port load 
>> dns-server\n\t" : "" ] port load clamav-server
>> \tport load apache-solr8
>> \tport load redis
>> \tport load dcc
>> \tport load postfix
>> \tport load dovecot2
>> \tport load rspamd
>> \tport load logrotate"
>>   Now, obviously, this doesn’t work because of all the double quotes inside
>>   double quotes. 
>>   How do I do this without using variables?
> Backslash-quote them, thus: "foo \"bar\" baz" -> foo "bar" baz
> Hope this helps.

Actually, it doesn’t because the result is

        0 ? "port load dns-server
        " : "" ] port load clamav-server
        port load apache-solr8
        port load redis
        port load dcc

and not

        port load clamav-server
        port load apache-solr8
        port load redis
        port load dcc

What also doesn’t work is (with a variable):

set startupitemstring   [variant_isset "withdnsserver" ? "port load 
dns-server\n\t" : ""]
append startupitemstring "port load clamav-server
\tport load apache-solr8
\tport load redis
\tport load dcc
\tport load postfix
\tport load dovecot2
\tport load rspamd
\tport load logrotate"
startupitem.start       "$startupitemstring"

which gets me:

Error: Unable to open port: wrong # args: should be "variant_isset name"


set startupitemstring   [variant_isset "withdnsserver"] ? "port load 
dns-server\n\t" : ""

gets me:

Error: Unable to open port: wrong # args: should be "set varName ?newValue?"


set startupitemstring   [[variant_isset "withdnsserver"] ? "port load 
dns-server\n\t" : ""]

gets me:

Error: Unable to open port: invalid command name "0"

Obviously, I do not understand tcl, but I also am unable to find any tcsl 
ternary operator example that uses strings like this.

Gerben Wierda
Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture <http://enterprisechess.com/>
Mastering ArchiMate <http://masteringarchimate.com/>
Architecture for Real Enterprises 
<https://www.infoworld.com/blog/architecture-for-real-enterprises/> at InfoWorld
On Slippery Ice <https://eapj.org/on-slippery-ice/> at EAPJ

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