I have been wrestling with postfix logging. 

The weird thing was that I did not see any logging from smtp/smtpd/postscreen, 
but I did see logging from qmgr and some others. But, when I created an error 
in main.cf (e.g. a file that doesn’t exist), I did see logging.

The outcome of this (with help from Wietse) is that the following happens: when 
you run smtpd/smtp/postscreen in a chroot jail, the daemons cannot open the 
socket to postlogd. So, there is no logging from those. But, when you force an 
error in main.cf, the error is reported before dropping privileges/chroot so it 
is seen.

So, for now, if you want logging from smtpd/smtp of postfix via postlogd 
(syslog is out of the question anyway given how broken macOS is on that front), 
you need to not run it in a chroot jail.

Wietse will adapt the code of postfix so in an upcoming update, the socket to 
postlogd will be opened before dropping privileges.

I wonder if everybody sees this (no smtpd logging to postlogd) of if there is 
some special situation on my machine that triggers this.

Gerben Wierda
Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture <http://enterprisechess.com/>
Mastering ArchiMate <http://masteringarchimate.com/>
Architecture for Real Enterprises 
<https://www.infoworld.com/blog/architecture-for-real-enterprises/> at InfoWorld
On Slippery Ice <https://eapj.org/on-slippery-ice/> at EAPJ

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