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Why are you doing the `python setup.py` thing? I strongly discourage you to
use the system python to install packages globally.

What I suggest you is to use virtualenvs.

* Install py-virtualenv
* Create virtualenv
* Activate  the virtual environment
* Install things locally to the virtual env using pip
* Deactivate when finished

This way you create isolated environments for each one of your applications
without messing up with the system packages. You can then delete them if
you don't need them anymore without the fear of destroying everything... :)

There are also other tools to make this even more pleasant (pew, pipenv).

On Mon, 2 Dec 2019, 19:51 Forrest, <for...@forrie.com> wrote:

> I'm new to Python and I'm trying to figure out why, for example, when I
> install aws-cli (from source) using Macports, it doesn't install
> properly vs /usr/bin/python that does the right thing and places the
> commands in proper places.   When I run "/opt/local/bin/python setup.py
> install" it ends up buried in directories under the Macports directory
> structure, which isn't usable.   Maybe I am missing some ENV variables?
> F

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