Gerben Wierda <> writes:

> If I produce a pull request and I’m rebuffed because of an error I make, I 
> need to go back to
> testate of the official repository before proceeding again. At such a point 
> my own clone is both
> commits ahead and commits behind the official repository. I need to lose my 
> commits (as I am
> rebuffed by macports maintainers if I have multiple ‘working’ commits in my 
> pull request). So, I
> need to reset my clone to the current state of the official repository.

Always make your own modifications on a new branch that you create locally, and 
then push to your github repository. In this way you can keep your master 
branch in synch with the upstream repository both on your computer and your own 
github repository without conflicts. Only when you have made changes in an area 
where master is also changed you will have to merge these changes into your own 
branch before you can commit/push them.
Pieter van Oostrum
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

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