> It is a delicate siuation, with Ken we were supposing to make a static 
> version or link statically, so that an upgrade does not "turn down" 
> all MacPort compilers.

Ideally the compiler should have as few fragile deps as possible. Static 
linking in the compiler deps might help us get to a compiler that wouldn’t be 
broken by it’s own dep updates.

You might think that it’s mantra to only use dylibs, but to be honest, the 
primary theoretical benefit of dylibs (updates in the library pass on to all 
users magically) seems to turn out to be fairly imaginary in the end, because 
as we have seen every significant dylib update requires everything that uses it 
to be revbumped and rebuilt anyway. There is the space/mem saving of dylibs — 
but static linking in the deps for a compiler would not be too onerous, as the 
deps are tiny indeed.

libxml2 brings in a whole mess of stuff, including the nefarious ICU 
extravaganza, more complicated now because ICU requires a fairly recent 
compiler to bulid. There is no good reason for libxml2 to be a dep for 
clang/llvm as the system libxml2 does just fine.

cmake brings in an amazing collection of deps, so cmake-bootstrap was invented, 
which has no external deps at all. cmake-bootstrap is new enough to build 
either llvm/clang-9.0 or possibly 10, I can’t remember just now if it could 
build 10.

So that leaves libffi, libedit, ncurses, xar, zlib, and libcxx, which is a 
nice, small list of things that mostly build with the system compilers,, I 
believe, and — I think — almost all of them (not libcxx) can be statically 
linked in….

So it’s improvable, probably.


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