On Aug 25, 2021, at 02:00, FritzS GMX wrote:

> after migration from my profile & apps from ElCapitan to Big Sur I 
> reinstalled all the MacPorts programs,
> bind9 are new compiled on my MacMini M1 too.
> But the named daemon don't run. 
> All this commands don’t work:
> sudo launchctl load -wF /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.bind9.plist
> sudo /opt/local/bin/port load bind9
> sudo /opt/local/sbin/rndc reload
> What must I do that the named daemon runs?

Why don't the above commands work? What happens?

If you were expecting a process to be running after running those commands, and 
that process is not running, is it crashing? Is the OS creating crash logs in 
the usual directory? If so, show us one. Or, if no crash logs, does the Console 
indicate that the process is being restarted every 10 seconds and immediately 
quitting itself? Does the process write its own log file, and if so, does it 
contain anything explaining why it isn't staying running?

> Ist that a way for BigSur 11.5.2 on a Mac mini (M1, 2020)?
> https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/ShareArchives2

I'm not sure what the documentation about how to share archives between 
machines has to do with your present problem.

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