On Jan 29, 2022, at 10:56, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
> But looking at the dovecot Portfile, it seems the dependency on apache-solr8 
> is specific to the +solr variant (which you have, to be sure). So assuming 
> your installation isn't a bit confused somehow, maybe port isn't always smart 
> about showing variant-specific dependencies.
> That's just a guess, though; 

That's correct.

> On Jan 29, 2022, at 10:52, Gerben Wierda wrote:
>> Thank you. That solves a lot of the mystery. I did encounter a small mystery:
>> gerben@hermione ~ % port installed rdepof:dovecot 

"rdepof" determines the port's recursive dependencies based on the port's 
default variants (which doesn't include +solr), not based on the variants with 
which you have it installed.

I'm not sure if there's a form of this command that allows you to specify an 
alternate set of variants.

>> The following ports are currently installed:
>>   autoconf @2.71_1 (active)
>>   automake @1.16.5_0 (active)
>>   bison @3.8.2_2 (active)
>>   bison-runtime @3.8.2_0 (active)
>>   bzip2 @1.0.8_0 (active)
>>   flex @2.6.4_0 (active)
>>   gettext @0.21_0 (active)
>>   gettext-runtime @0.21_0 (active)
>>   gettext-tools-libs @0.21_0 (active)
>>   libiconv @1.16_1 (active)
>>   libtextstyle @0.21_0 (active)
>>   libtool @2.4.6_13 (active)
>>   lz4 @1.9.3_1 (active)
>>   m4 @1.4.19_1 (active)
>>   ncurses @6.3_0 (active)
>>   openssl @3_2 (active)
>>   openssl3 @3.0.1_0+legacy (active)
>>   pkgconfig @0.29.2_0 (active)
>>   xz @5.2.5_0 (active)
>>   zlib @1.2.11_0 (active)
>> gerben@hermione ~ % port installed rdependentof:apache-solr8

"rdependentof" consults your MacPorts registry to determine this information, 
so it's based on what was recorded there when you installed the ports with 
whatever variants you installed them with.

>> The following ports are currently installed:
>>   dovecot @2.3.17_0+apns+solr (active)
>> Or, it seems port knows apache-solr8 is requested by dovecot but not the 
>> other way around.

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