On May 2, 2022, at 14:04, Sriranga Veeraraghavan wrote:

> Regarding nvim, the reason that zsh can’t find it is probably that the 
> directory /opt/local/bin is not included zsh's PATH environment variable.

Right. The MacPorts installer sets up the PATH for your current shell. If you 
change shells later, you have to set up the PATH yourself or rerun the 
installer to do it automatically.

> I am not a zsh user, but I believe that you can probably fix this as follows:
> $ /bin/echo 'PATH="$PATH:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin"' >> ~/.zshenv

When the MacPorts installer detects that your shell is zsh, it places such a 
line in ~/.zprofile. I don't know if there is a significant difference between 
putting it in ~/.zprofile vs putting it in ~/.zshenv.

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