Over the last years, it has become harder and harder to run Unix services on my 
Macs. I'm using MacPorts for these since the demise of macOS Server and they 
a mail server (dcc, apache-solr8, clamav-server, rspamd, dovecot, postfix)
a name server (nsd, unbound)
a web server (nginx, minio)
Before Monterey I was running Mojave and that worked very well. I skipped 
Catalina and went straight for Monterey so I would have a long period of 'no 
large migrations'.

The experience has been horrible. I had to turn off the application layer 
firewall on the server for instance. I had to start some services (MinIO) not 
via launchd but by hand because they would not start properly because of 
permissions when I did (MinIO could not access a fixed mount external disk when 
started from launchd, but had no problem accessing it after boot). About 1 to 2 
times every day, the system is totally dead, it gets stuck apparently because 
it runs out of sockets or something like that. I suspect this is because I am 
running a public mail server which gets a lot of connections and macOS has some 
sort of resource leak. After maximally about an hour, the system gets 'unstuck' 
and moves on. The 'unstuck' started to happen was after 12.5 to 12.5.1 (so an 
improvement) but it has the feel of Apple doing a quick and dirty fix in 12.5.1 
for a resource leak in 12.5.

Apple has been a rock solid server system for me for many years. Since Monterey 
I consider it to be extremely unreliable and not feasible as a server 
environment for unix-like services.

I suspect that all of this is because Apple is moving to a new security 
mechanism, one more focused on how it is done in iOS too, where things like 
code signing, immutability of parts of the file system, etc. are taking the 
role that traditionally is done by ACL/POSIX-like permissions. Apple's new way 
of doing security is arguably stronger than the old way. But the 'old' way of 
doing things is less and less supported and certainly not a focus for Apple to 
keep operational (which is dumb because by not supporting they are flying blind 
for the kind of resource leak errors I seem to have encountered). So, install 
unbound, and after boot macOS will ask you 'do you want unbound to accept 
incoming connections?'. Yes, of course, but that setting doesn't stick. After 
every next reboot, the same happens. Run the same executable side by side on 
different ports, and ALF gets confused. So, not only is the old ACL/POSIX way 
of permissions no longer properly implemented, the new system is not friendly 
for your own compiled stuff.

The setup has become so unreliable that I do not dare to upgrade my current 
server beyond macOS 12.5.1, afraid as I am that the next update will kill even 
more, rendering my production setup effectively dead. 

I can't update my macOS anymore for fear that it kills what I cannot work 

The key weak point in all of this seems to be the macOS Application Level 
Firewall which is iffy and especially iffy when it has to work with unsigned 
executables. But even when it is turned off, lots of other things that would 
normall work fine in a unix-like environment stop working, esppecially when you 
want to do 'server-like' stuff that requires open ports and sockets and such.

Sadly, this means that running a 'macOS Server substitute using MacPorts' is no 
longer feasible for me. I have started to move to a Linux setup and I hope my 
'macOS Server' (which I have been running since it's start in some way or 
another, and OPENSTEP/NeXTSTEP before that) survives until I have that working 

Apple turns macOS into a purely consumer appliance, it seems. That is their 
good right, but they also starve attention to the old unixy-way of things, 
leading to weak (certainly not robust) implementations of the unix-side. And 
that might be the eventual death of MacPorts unless it goes full in on Apple's 
new security model, signing and all. And for the time being, Apple's own 
suggestion to move to open source variants of the macOS Server stuff they 
abandoned, is not to be taken seriously as they also are not serious about the 
foundation those open source elements need.

Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerbenwierda>)
R&A IT Strategy <https://ea.rna.nl/> (main site)
Book: Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture <https://ea.rna.nl/the-book/>
Book: Mastering ArchiMate <https://ea.rna.nl/the-book-edition-iii/>

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