Do you also have CLT installed and updated to 15.1 as well (if there is a 
version) ?

If you still have 15.0 CLT then likely it won’t help.

> On 20 Oct 2023, at 1:23 am, Frank Schima <> wrote:
> py311-scipy still does not build for me with the latest Xcode 15.1 beta and 
> associated CLT. I can only hope I’m doing something wrong. 
> I cannot even get past boost176 which is required. I modified my local 
> Portfile to use boost181 (which does build) but py311-scipy still does not 
> build. 
>> On Oct 19, 2023, at 1:11 PM, Christopher Jones <> 
>> wrote:
>> The fix is in Xcode 15.1, not 15.0.1
>> Chris
>>> On 19 Oct 2023, at 5:27 pm, Jim Secan <> wrote:
>>> I see that there’s an Xcode 15.0.1 released yesterday.  Anyone tried that?
>>> Jim
>>> Seattle, WA
>>>> On 10/19/2023, at 8:00 AM, Chris Jones <> wrote:
>>>> On 19/10/2023 3:59 pm, Chris Jones wrote:
>>>>> On 19/10/2023 3:09 pm, Artemio González López via macports-users wrote:
>>>>>> I just realized that my problem could exactly be the one reported in 
>>>>>> ticket #68329 (py311-scipy @1.10.1_0+gfortran+openblas not building on 
>>>>>> Sonoma apple silicon). Indeed, I just spotted the following lines in my 
>>>>>> main.log:
>>>>>> :info:build ld: duplicate LC_RPATH '/opt/local/lib/libgcc' in 
>>>>>> '/opt/local/lib/libopenblas-r1.dylib'
>>>>>> :info:build clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v 
>>>>>> to see invocation)
>>>>>> Short of waiting for Apple to release XCode 15.1, is there any quick fix 
>>>>>> for this?
>>>>> The canocial fix is to tell the build to use the classic linker option. 
>>>>> 'Well behaved' builds will respect the following setting in the Portfile
>>>>> configure.ldflags-append  -Wl,-ld_classic
>>>>> This has worked for me in a few places, like the root6 port. I did 
>>>>> actually try it in py-scipy and there it did not work, and nor did a 
>>>>> handful of other tricks I have to get the build to use a certain linker.
>>>>> In my experience python based builds are not that well behaved when it 
>>>>> comes to things like respecting the macports build flags...
>>>>> At this point I am in the 'wait for Xcode 15.1' camp. Usually the first 
>>>>> X.1 OS release comes along relatively soon after the initial X.0 release, 
>>>>> so I would anticipate it relatively soon, most likely.
>>>> b.t.w. If it is urgent for you, there is I believe a beta version of Xcode 
>>>> 15.1 available you could try. Its not the urgent for me so I am just 
>>>> waiting for it to become public..
>>>>> cheers Chris

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