Hi Matt, thanks for gettih back to me. In regards to the failing specs, how does one determine what's failing? I have been running the following:

rake spec:ci

In any case, I would like to get started on this as soon as possible. Thus, if someone can provide the details, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 15, 2009, at 4:34 PM, Matt Aimonetti <mattaimone...@gmail.com> wrote:

Unfortunately, we don't have a check list of all the std libs and other gems that are compatible/incompatible.

The todo list mentions the following:

Planned for 0.5
[ ] fix irb Binding bugs
[/] sockets
[ ] backtracing / symbolication
[/] rubygems should work (modulo C extensions)
  [X] fix version numbers
  [X] fix YAML deserialization of booleans
  [ ] fix ~/.gemrc
  [X] `source --add http://gems.github.com' crashes (outside gdb)
[ ] `install rest-client' prints parsing errors (encoding problem in thor.gemspec)
  [ ] `gem uninstall bacon' doesn't work (Unknown gem bacon >= 0)
[ ] `macgem install rails --version 2.3.2' crashes (MAX_DISPATCH_ARGS assertion)
[ ] rewrite load.c (needed for RubyGems' #require hack)

For 0.5 (must do):

[ ] implement Enumerable::Enumerator
[/] 32-bit should be back
[X] Array subclass for immediates
[ ] Hash subclass for immediates
[ ] try/catch should use a C++ exception
[ ] ObjC exceptions should be catchable in Ruby
[ ] fully implement FFI API
[ ] support for bigdecimal
[ ] support for json
[/] support for yaml
[ ] support for openssl
[/] support for zlib
[ ] merge stdlib from 1.9.2 trunk
[/] most language/core/library specs should run (modulo a very few exceptions)
[X] port all rb_define_method() calls to rb_objc_define_method()
[/] port all rb_funcall() calls to rb_vm_call()
[/] port all rb_num_coerce_bin() calls to rb_objc_num_coerce_bin()
[/] port all rb_obj_respond_to() calls to rb_vm_respond_to()

For 0.5 (tentative):

[ ] write a pass manager to eliminate unnecessary arrays generated by massigns
[ ] vectorize bignums
[ ] block inlining
[ ] fast regexp =~
[ ] rakefile-ize instruby.rb
[/] finish AOT compiler (only normal mode)
[/] sync with LLVM 2.6 (DONE in llvm26 branch, blocked by LLVM regressions)
[ ] multithreaded JIT
[ ] debugger interface

We identified some bugs that cause ERB to not work properly and they will be fixed for 0.5, however the work on the webserver didn't start. Stuff like CGI and openssl would first need to work. If you want to help, the best thing you could do is to work on the specs with Eloy. (flag/tag the specs that fail so we know what libs are working, which are not) if you find bugs,replorting them in a simple/reproducible example is also super useful.

- Matt

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Conrad Taylor <conra...@gmail.com> wrote: Is there a page where can locate what's not working? Or open projects that need help? I would be interested in both erb and the webserver (i.e. webrick, mongrel, and/or thin)?

Thanks in advance,


On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Matt Aimonetti <mattaimone...@gmail.com > wrote:
You should always use macgem when working with macruby.
However, Sinatra isn't running yet as erb isn't fully working neither rack and we don't have a compatible webserver ;)

You will have to wait a little before that works, but as we are going through the std libs, things should start looking better.

- Matt

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Conrad Taylor <conra...@gmail.com> wrote: On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Matt Aimonetti <mattaimone...@gmail.com > wrote:
Latest trunk code available as an unofficial pkg ready to install: 

Lots of bug fixes, improved macgem (not finished yet but you can install gems and load them using `gem 'gem_name'; require 'whatever'`).
Things are looking pretty good on trunk :)

Hi, should one use 'macgem' instead of 'gem'? In any case, I wanted to give it a try by installing sinatra:

sudo macgem install sinatra

and I received the following error message:

ERROR:  While executing gem ... (ArgumentError)
    wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)

In a clean installation, the following directory doesn't exist but attempting to install something creates the directory and the installation of the gem fails:

/Library/Frameworks/MacRuby.framework/Versions/0.5/usr/lib/ruby/Gems/ 1.9.0

Now, when I tried to install the gem again, everything worked as expected. For example,

$ sudo macgem install sinatra
Successfully installed rack-1.0.0
Successfully installed sinatra-0.9.4
2 gems installed


- Matt

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