On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:03 PM, s.ross <cwdi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Oct 15, 2009, at 1:43 PM, Laurent Sansonetti wrote:
>  Hi Craig,
>> On Oct 14, 2009, at 7:07 PM, Craig Williams wrote:
>>  Hi Everyone,
>>> I have searched the web but have not found a good explanation on how to
>>> use
>>> gems in a MacRuby project. Is there a tutorial I am missing?
>> We should definitely write a tutorial about that. The RubyGems support is
>> pretty new so I don't think anybody tried yet to embed gems in a MacRuby
>> app. At a glance I believe it would be a matter of installing the gem inside
>> MacRuby.framework, embed it in the app then change the GEM_HOME environment
>> variable.
>> Laurent
> Oof. Changing the framework? Maybe I'm not understanding what you're
> suggesting. Why would it not be enough to install all gems in a vendor/
> directory and change GEM_HOME to there? Or something that would not involve
> embedding (eventually) all gems in use in all apps you're developing inside
> the MacRuby.framework...
> Steve
Steve, you should be able to install the gem(s) and require them in the
relevant file(s).  You shouldn't have to unpack the gem(s) into a vendor
directory because they should be visible to the Ruby environment after you
require it.


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