This might not be it, but IB is in generall pretty bad at picking up
changes in code. Try Reload All Class Files from the File menu. When
you're coding Objective-C you sometimes even have to do "Read All
Class Files..." and manually point IB to the right header file. IB is
great in general, but this can be pretty frustrating.

I'm a MacRuby noob myself, so sorry if this doesn't apply in the
MacRuby context.


2010/9/15 Iain Barnett <>:
> Hi,
> Please forgive me if this is the wrong list for my questions. I'm just 
> getting started with MacRuby, and running through several examples (like the 
> one here I've noticed 
> that Interface Builder doesn't always pick up stuff defined by MacRuby 
> classes, and some of the examples don't seem to work for me.
> In that tutorial I got to this line:
>>"You will then see that IB knows about your class, and especially the outlet 
>>and action defined earlier."
> Aside from the fact that the tutorial seems to have been written for an 
> earlier version of Xcode, the Identity Inspector in Interface Builder does 
> pick up the class but it doesn't pick up the actions or outlets. I try tying 
> them up myself in the panel in the Library window but after build and run it 
> still doesn't work properly.
> In the MacRuby book on O'Reilly's site 
> I couldn't get it to even 
> pick up the class in the Identity Inspector until I had it derive from an NS 
> class.
> Coding the GUI directly with the AppKit framework does work, however 
> (, so I know it 
> *could* work. I'm on Xcode 3.2.3 and MacRuby 0.6 and OSX 10.6.4. I'm new to 
> Xcode too, which I reinstalled to make sure it wasn't that. I gritted my 
> teeth and did some Obj-C examples and they worked fine. I tried converting 
> some Obj-C examples into MacRuby and they didn't work. Sometimes they'd build 
> and run but events wouldn't work as expected, sometimes GDB would give the 
> "app exited with error 1" error message.
> Is there something I've missed or need to install, or is it that MacRuby is 
> still too new to work all the time? Any help much appreciated, as this 
> project looks very, very helpful.
> Regards,
> Iain
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