I am not sure how the programs work overall, but I know that I simply 
continued to pay for my 200 GB of iCloud storage and received 50 GB with the 
original subscription to what it was called before Apple 1. I was confused at 
first because I was canceling my 200 GB subscription thinking that it would be 
incorporated into the new package, but that was not the case. So, I currently 
have 250 GB total and pay extra monthly for the 200 GB package. I didn’t know 
they had changed things again.



From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> On 
Behalf Of Kevin Gibbs
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2023 11:04 PM
To: MacVisionaries <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Mac One Bundle is turning out to be a potential major PITA


Just clicked Family Storage upgraded my iCloud from 200GB to 4TB.  2TB of that 
is what we want to discontinue.  Still gives us 2TB which should be enough.

On Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 9:43:09 PM UTC-6 Kevin Gibbs wrote:


My wife and I thought it might be a good idea to take advantage of the new Mac 
One Bundle so we can share Apple Music, Apple TV, Apple News and other stuff 
between the two of us. There’s just one major problem. Because of previous 
decisions we’ve made, I am listed as the “Organizer” and my wife is listed as 
an adult on the account. The problem is that while I have 200GB of iCloud 
storage, she has 2TB of storage. 

If we proceed with this, I gather that we will have to downgrade Pam’s iCloud 
from the 2TB she’s had for the last couple years in order to avoid double 
paying for the 2TB of data we want. Before doing this downgrade, we will have 
to download all 407GB of my wife’s 2TB of data so that it won’t be lost when we 
stop paying for her individual 2TB plan. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to 
be any short method for backing up Pam’s music, photos, docs and mail all at 
once so that it can then be re-uploaded to a new 2TB stash which is part of the 
new shared bundle. 

As near as I can figure out, the only steps available appear to require the 
user to download mail, photos, music, docs and so on in separate format 
specific operations instead of being able to simply grab all the data in one 
long download operation. Am I missing something? It seems to me that it would 
make more sense to simply have an operation designed to transfer the whole lot 
of Pam’s 407GB from essentially one vault to another in one shot. Please let me 
know if I’m making sense and if I’m missing an operation that might make this a 
lot less painful. 


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