Hi Jurgen,

Can you say more about Mars?

I thought about using something like What’s App or even Facebook, but I like 
the vlog idea better.  First, everything can just be housed there.  That will 
be convenient for anyone who wants to look at it, but not necessarily receive 
alerts all the time.  It also keeps the whole thing in one easy place, so that 
it can serve as sort of a “photo album for us after we’re back, without getting 
buried in whatever messages, posts, etc happen after we’re back

> On Mar 15, 2024, at 11:33 AM, Jürgen Fleger <mailinglis...@fleger.net> wrote:
> Hi Donna, 
> Word Press is pretty accessible in my opinion. I use Mars as an app solution 
> on the Mac to upload content. So it's not necessary to work online. 
> But wouldn't it be easier in your case to use a messenger like Whats App and 
> create a family group? Just as an idea. 
> all the best 
> Jurgen 
> Von meinem iPhone gesendet
>> Am 15.03.2024 um 17:05 schrieb 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries 
>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>:
>> Hi again, all,
>> I want to create a vlog where I can post written and video content while I 
>> am traveling this summer.  Anyone know anything about the most accessible 
>> way to do this?  I know a lot of people like Wordpress, but in my very 
>> limited experience, it did not seem overly accessible, or overly friendly if 
>> you don’t know how to code.  If I’m wrong about this, feel free to enlighten 
>> me. 😊
>> Can anyone compare Wordpress with Blogger in terms of how they work with VO 
>> on both MacOS and IOS?  I’m envisioning something pretty simple and 
>> straight-forward.  I’d just like to be able to upload written and video 
>> content to a site, and have a link that I can share with family and friends 
>> who want to follow along with our adventures, so hopefully there’s away to 
>> do that that isn’t super complicated and that is accessible.
>> Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
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