Hi again,


Before I go to the subject at hand, I wanted to thank those who did respond
to my earlier question about how the iPad screen is laid out. Donna,
particularly, your explanation of the container concept was exactly what I
needed to learn. E.T., the manual you pointed me to is great and I've
already used it on a couple of occasions.


I have an Apple wireless keyboard that I'm hoping I can use to help get my
new iPad set up more quickly. I wanted to add a couple of keyboard
shortcuts, but I get stuck at the point where it asks for the shortcut you
want for a particular command. I can enter keys till I'm blue in the face,
but I can't figure out how to save the keys I want. I'm sure this has been
asked before, and I know I did it a long time ago, but I can't remember the
right procedure to save. Can someone help me with this?


Thanks so much,

Pete De Vasto

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