I too would have to agree with scott!
On Sep 5, 2009, at 8:33 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Nice post, Scott.  These are all very good points.
> donna
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Chesworth <scottcheswo...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 6:44 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [Mac-cessibility News] FaceBook iPhone Application  
> Updated With  Accessibility Fixes
> Cara - Appologies if it came across as less than constructive critique
> at your end, I thought I made it pretty obvious that I wasn't knocking
> Josh's efforts at all.  Perhaps it was the comparrison that came over
> wrong, for what it's worth, it was written light heartedly at this
> end.  Not everyone thinks the same, hence why I kept it on list and
> suggested either a poll or for more folks to chime in.
> A few thoughts from the slow costly access and mobile camp, of course
> they're going to be from my own point of view, can't help that, but my
> thought processes aren't too outragious (most of the time):
> Surely the majority of people who'd be browsing high traffic lists
> like this on a mobile device would have some sort of data plan in
> place, or risk bankruptcy.  Seeing as how not every platform is as
> slick and quick as the iPhone though, wouldn't it make more sense for
> those people to receive a couple of extra kb of text in their email
> per day at most rather than launch their browser, wait for a whole
> webpage to download on what could likely be a flakey connection, then
> take on the frustration of navigating the content (no disrespect, it's
> a well laid out site, my point is that mobile browsing in the main is
> fairly horrible).
> For the pay-per-minute folks or similar, again, sticking in one app
> and downloading an email with the full content as a couple kb of text
> verses firing up their prefered choice of browser and downloading a
> whole page of HTML would save time and money would it not?
> All I can say is that, although it's from my own point of view, I'm
> moving to a new pad next week and will be getting my net access from a
> horrid mixture of those two options, and the above makes more sense to
> me as I'm fast approaching the week or so of access-less trauma lol.
> Plus, I'm not sure if you've made it through the whole thread yet, but
> you seem to have quite a few people not minding the updates, but
> prefering the full content.  Clearly not everyone is as grouchy as us
> troublemakers that started the debate, but that part of it doesn't
> seem to be going away.
> Scott - I get why you forward your posts linked to stay on the right
> side of people's terms and conditions, but seeing as all the posts I
> can remember have been written by a contributor to maccessibility.net,
> I'd hope they have permission to republish there own stuff.
> Hopefully this doesn't tread on anyone's toes too hard, just my 2  
> cents worth.
> Scott
> On 9/5/09, Cara Quinn <modelc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Once again you all really do need to remember here that just
>> because those of us here in America seem to have basically fast,  
>> free-
>> flowing internet access, that's just not the case in all areas of the
>> world, or even in this country. (US)
>>  There are many people whom pay based on bandwidth used. So, each
>> additional minute they spend downloading email is more money they
>> spend out-of-pocket.
>>  This isn't even touching on the vast audience on mobile devices…
>>  Quite simply put, this model of posting with a summary and link
>> really is the best balance we know of, currently, to work well for
>> everyone.
>>  Honestly, since when is it so very difficult to click on a link?…
>>  As I said, this is not some push to get traffic to the site. this
>> is simply meant as a quick, courteous way of posting good, relevant,
>> timely info that everyone can benefit from, in a way that they can
>> easily work with. I hope this makes sense…
>>  Just as a side note here, you all really should know (not to put
>> poor Josh on the spot here :) ) but Josh has really out done himself
>> here with the Maccessibility network site, putting extreme amounts of
>> hours / effort into it so that your user experience really can be
>> superb. And, I for one, think he's done a fab job!
>>  So once again, might I simply ask that we consider contributing
>> suggestions / critique in a positive way, and perhaps share
>> suggestions with Josh and I, which you feel might actually benefit  
>> the
>> larger user base, rather than just yourself or a small group?…  We'd
>> definitely appreciate feedback in this way.
>>  Thanks for reading and once again, do have a lovely weekend!…
>> Smiles,
>> Cara :)
>> ---
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>> http://www.onemodelplace.com/CaraQuinn
>> Follow me on Twitter!
>> https://twitter.com/ModelCara
>> On Sep 5, 2009, at 1:22 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>> If the email contained the full text of the article I probably
>> wouldn't have minded so much. If a user is going through a list of
>> there emails and only reading the ones that interest them, assuming
>> there not interested in yours, its not going to take any more time to
>> skip over your email if the full text is included as apposed to it
>> not. As it stands, I see this purely as advertising for your network
>> since i'm going to have to visit your site just to get the full  
>> story.
>> No hard feelings intended.
>> On 05/09/2009, Larry Wanger <lsw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I don't mind the updates from the Mac site but would rather get the
>>> full posting rather than just a half paragraph. I know that one  
>>> reason
>>> updates come in this way is to encourage people to visit the actual
>>> site. But, I think its an extra and unnecessary step myself.
>>> On Sep 4, 2009, at 7:56 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>>> Hello;  I get a lot of email daily from the several lists I'm
>>>> subscribed to.  I don't personally have a problem with the news
>>>> updates as long as they are really news.  I think the more  
>>>> important
>>>> question with this one is does this mean they have or plan to fix  
>>>> the
>>>> regular facebook so mac users can start enjoying it again?  I
>>>> understand the iphone is the current wave and all, but I hope that
>>>> doesn't mean the people at facebook have forgotten about how
>>>> unaccessible their site is with a mac.  Let me know if you have  
>>>> heard
>>>> or experienced anything different regarding this issue.  Thanks,  
>>>> Max
>>>> On Sep 4, 2009, at 6:03 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I don't mean to come over as unsupportive Josh, because I'm 110%
>>>>> behind what you do with lioncourt and maccessibility, to the point
>>>>> where soon after Christmas when my schedule will have changed
>>>>> significantly I'd love to start contributing myself or at least
>>>>> figure
>>>>> out some way of supporting more actively.
>>>>> Having said all that, that wasn't the reply I expected James and  
>>>>> Ben
>>>>> would get man.  The kind chap who offers me very competitive deals
>>>>> on
>>>>> Viagra usually slightly less than once per day isn't of dissimilar
>>>>> mind when it comes to the actual principal here.  It doesn't say
>>>>> anywhere to my knowledge that this list doubles up as a kind of
>>>>> newswire, so perhaps this would be a good point to have one of
>>>>> Cara's
>>>>> polls... she loves 'em!  If it turns out that myself James and Ben
>>>>> are
>>>>> grouchy old men so be it, but if not then perhaps you could tweak
>>>>> the
>>>>> automation to deliver automatic posts to the most relevant  
>>>>> list?  My
>>>>> personal gripe here is that even when I don't pass over one of  
>>>>> these
>>>>> automated posts, I only get a snippet of the story.  As long as  
>>>>> the
>>>>> subject lines are well thought out, which so far they always have
>>>>> been, I'll know whether I want to read a news story or not -  
>>>>> having
>>>>> to
>>>>> load the extra page seems superfluous.
>>>>> Again, no treading on toes intended, I just think they have a  
>>>>> point
>>>>> where the principal is concerned here and wanted to add a bit of
>>>>> weight.
>>>>> Scott
>>>>> On 9/4/09, Josh de Lioncourt <overl...@lioncourt.com> wrote:
>>>>>> iPhone discussion has always been welcome here. :) The other list
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> more strictly focused on the iPhone, but we would have to also  
>>>>>> ban
>>>>>> iPod, Airport Express/Extreme, and all sorts of other things from
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> list if we banned iPhone discussion. After all, the iPhone is  
>>>>>> used
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> conjunction with your computer, one of those computer types is  
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> Mac.
>>>>>> Cara and I discussed posting the news updates to this list. They
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> pretty much always been posted by someone, usually me, manually.
>>>>>> We've
>>>>>> automated the process to give ourselves a little less work. Since
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> updates average less than a message a day, we feel they are of  
>>>>>> use
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> more people than to whom they are an irritation.
>>>>>> You can also filter those messages, if you wish, using your mail
>>>>>> client's message rules.
>>>>>> On Sep 4, 2009, at 12:02 PM, ben mustill-rose wrote:
>>>>>>> Why am I getting these? When the 3gs first came out, I seem to
>>>>>>> remember that Cara was quite adamant that discussion of it on  
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> mv
>>>>>>> list was off topic so she created a new list for it. Surely,
>>>>>>> things
>>>>>>> like this would fit in better on the other list?
>>>>>>> Sorry if I spelt your name wrong btw Cara.
>>>>>>> On 04/09/2009, Maccessibility <nore...@maccessibility.net>  
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> FaceBook iPhone Application Updated With Accessibility Fixes
>>>>>>>> The FaceBook.com iPhone application has been updated to version
>>>>>>>> 3.02. The
>>>>>>>> update focuses on VoiceOver compatibility, and accessibility
>>>>>>>> fixes.
>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>> rapidity
>>>>>>>> with which the developer has addressed the accessibility issues
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> extraordinary, and we applaud FaceBook for this response.
>>>>>>>> The application is exceptionally usable now, with only a couple
>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> unlabeled
>>>>>>>> controls which can be quickly [...]
>>>>>>>> You can read the rest of this news item at:
>>>>>>>> http://www.lioncourt.com/2009/09/04/facebook-iphone-application-updated-with-accessibility-fixes/
>>>>>>>> The Mac-cessibility Network
>>>>>>>> "...it's all within our reach..."
>>>>>>>> http://maccessibility.net
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Kind regards, BEN.
>>>>>>> email: bmustillr...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> msn: benmustillr...@hotmail.com
>>>>>>> web: http://www.bmr.me.uk (under construction)
>> --
>> Kind regards, BEN.
>> email: bmustillr...@gmail.com
>> msn: benmustillr...@hotmail.com
>> web: http://www.bmr.me.uk (under construction)
> >

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