Hmmm, did they change this in more recent Mac hardware? I have an older mac that I run XP boot camped on, and JFW commands with caps lock works fine. This is in boot camp, and things might not work that way in fusion or on newer hardware.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Phil Halton" <>
To: "Macvisionaries" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: running Windows on a Mac

the mac OS treats the caps lock key not as an actual key press, but as a more low-level system wired event. and neither Fusion nor bootcamp have access to that key. there is no caps lock available when running Windows on the mac via bootcamp or fusion. What needs to be done is to remap a key to act as either an insert or caps lock key, and then set your screen reader to use insert or caps lock as its modifier key.

What I’ve done is to remap the grave accent key (above the tab key) to act as a caps lock key. I’ve done this by using the sharpkeys program under windows to remap the caps lock and grave accent keys so that they each do what the other key used to do. That is, the grave accent key produces an caps lock
key press, and the caps lock produces a grave accent/tilde key press.

Then, I use the grave accent key as the jaws modifier key, and if I really need to get a grave accent or tilde, never have needed either yet, then I can get them by pressing the caps lock or shifted caps lock.
It’s a little weird, but it works well enough.
There are a few ways to do this, but I think the simplest way for you to go is to use the fusion remap facility. Of course, this assumes you’re using fusion and not bootcamp. You don’t say which method you use for running windows.

In fusion, you can remap the grave accent, or another key of your choice, to act as an insert key in windows.

Why don’t you tell us which it is and then maybe we can help you through the process.

Of course, you can render all this moot by buying a Wired USB full-size apple keyboard which does have an insert key, and plugging it in when you want to work in windows.

On Nov 20, 2014, at 7:20 AM, Juliette Swiler <> wrote:

I am wondering if I run System Access to Go as my screen reader under Windows, how can I get to the System Access menu, the caps lock doesn’t want to seem to work, and the only other option is insert, which I don’t think the laptops offer. Is there an alternative to the insert key on a laptop? I have even tried the bypass command for VoiceOver, but both screen readers seem to say caps lock on or off at the same time and therefore the keystroke in windows is not executed. Any help with this would be appreciated.

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