
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Many believe that we have been visited
in the past. What if it were true?

On 6/25/2015 7:41 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
I confess, I really haven't had a need to fool much with asking this
question in the past, but lately as I'm doing more with my mac, I'm
finding it to be a bit of an annoyance.
I'm going to use a particular example in this message, however, realize
that I'm not speaking just within ITunes here. I'm speaking just in
general throughout the whole entire OS.  The other night, I was wanting
to listen to some ITunes internet radio while in bed, seeing that I
normally keep both my macbooks on the nightstand at the head of my bed.
So, I got into ITunes internet radio.  I located the table near the
bottom of the screen and interacted as usual.  Nothing out of the norm.
I found the country category, and it obviously was collapsed. So, I did
the logical thing.  I hit vo+backslash and expanded the category.  Once
done, I vo+down arrowed quite a ways to find the station I needed.  Once
I did so, I realized they've removed the station.  So I got to thinking,
maybe it's not in country.  Maybe they moved it under folk, or
something.  So, I pressed vo+backslash again to collapse the country
category.  Ding ding ding?  It wouldn't let me.  I finally realized that
the reason was because I was down inside the expanded node of the
branch.  In other words, I was inside the expansion.  I wasn't sitting
out on the top level that I expanded earlier.  Now, I was down inside
it.  With Windows, it didn't matter.  As long as I was underneath the
branch I wanted to collapse, or was sitting directly on! the branch, I
could just hit left arrow.  On the mac, it doesn't seem to be that
forgiving.  I literally have to be very specifically on the actual item
which was expanded or collapsed.  So, I'm thinking ok, no biggy, just
hit left arrow.  That did no good.  Vo+left arrow only took me to the
previous collumn within the current row of the table which had focus.
So, the million dollar question:  If you're say, 30, 40, 50, or whatever
rows deep away from the top node of the tree, surely! Apple doesn't
expect me to sit here and just vo+up arrow 50 to a hundred times, just
to get back to the top of the node to collapse it, do they?  Is there
not a quicker way to jump back to the top of that branch, so I could
then hit vo+backslash to collapse it?
If my question doesn't make sense, let me know and I'll try making an
audio demo later to better explain.

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