No it doesn't bleep the local copy just the streamed version.  But it doesn't 
always bleep the streamed version it seems to depend on the song so it's kind 
of weird.
 Also is there a limit on uploads to the cloud or does it care?  There's also 
instances where the streamed version is actually a better recording than the 
local copy I have so is there a quick way to see what it uploaded and what it 
didn't so I don't have duplicates? It's actually a really impressive service. I 
find the create a station from artist feature doesn't work for a lot of artists 
but the recommendations and general sound quality are very good. I sort of 
expected it to be complete crap but I'm not to concerned about having local 
copies of things because the streaming is not really noticeable and the only 
time I would need an offline copy is if the internet crapped out or I was short 
on data and unable to get wifi. Does anyone have a clue how much data does 
apple music use anyway? Does it do any sort of data compression or does it 
actually use the full 256kbps worth?

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