Hi Chris,

I posted the information about Voxie Pro. I'll interleave answers to  
each point after your questions and comments.  I'm also cc'ing this to  
the Macvisionaries list, which uses an easily searchable secondary  
archive at the Mail Archive web site that supports access key  
navigation, searching by poster, date range, wild cards and a whole  
lot of options that make it easier to find and link to old posts, in  
case these questions come up again, since this reply contains fairly  
detailed instructions and recommendations for using Voxie Pro.

Chris Moore wrote:

> Hello,
> I was using voxie pro last evening.  In an earlier thread someone
> pointed out that you could send your recordings to your computer.  I
> didn't find this option under the "actions", but I did successfully
> email a recording to  myself.

You can transfer files directly to your computer from Voxie Pro  
without mailing them, but you do this from the "Recordings" screen  
after choosing "All Recordings" or a specific folder category for  
recordings that you've selected and not by using the "Actions" buttons  
from the "Recorder" screen.  This feature is nice, because it allows  
you to make and access longer recordings that are too large to email.

It sounds as though you are making your recording from the "Recorder"  
screen and double tapping the "Record" button to start or pause the  
recording, then using the "Play" button to play or pause the recording  
for review purposes, and possibly using the "Title" button to assign  
the recording a name, or the "Categories" button to file it under a  
folder category.  This is the normal way that Voxie Pro starts up, and  
it's perfectly fine, but I've found I can work faster and skip  
extraneous VoiceOver messages if I work in Express Mode, which is  
designed to let you make your recordings quickly.

I suggest that you use Express Mode as your default mode for  
recording.  If you are on the Recorder screen, double tap the "Cancel"  
button to exit this screen.  Then find the "Express Mode" button,  
which is the fourth of five buttons at the bottom of the page that  
are, in sequence: "Recorder", "People", "Recordings", "Express", and  
"Settings". In "Express Mode" you simply shake the iPhone or iPod  
Touch to start recording, and you'll hear an ascending tone to tell  
you when the recording starts and a descending tone when it stops.   
Then, to play back the recording, I touch the "Recordings" button at  
the bottom of the screen (at center, just left of "Express") and  
double tap anywhere on the screen. This takes me to the "All  
Recordings" screen with a list view of my recordings in time order  
(most recently recorded or edited first.)  Note: if I do a quick and  
light  double tap I go to "All Recordings".  If I'm slow about my  
double tap I'll go to the "Select Category" screen and then I need to  
select and double tap "All Recordings".

To review a recording, just select it from the list. If I want to play  
back the latest Express recording, I'll flick right  in the "All  
Recordings" screen to the first entry, which will have a name like  
"Express 1" and flick right to the "More Info" button.  (Just flick  
directly to the "More Info" button if you don't want to listen to  
VoiceOver announce the name, date, time, and size of each listed  
recording.)  Then double tap with focus on "More Info".  You'll be  
taken to the general "Recorder" screen that you first used, but with  
the title of the recording you just made (e.g. "Express 1") instead of  
"Untitled" in the title field.  Also, if you flick right through the  
time fields, instead of "0:00 of 0:00" you'll hear your current  
playhead position and the total time of the recording, e.g. "0:00 of  
1:12".  To play the recording, flick right to the "Play" button and  
double tap.  Now, if you want to review a specific part of your  
recording, either touch or flick right to the slider bar near the  
bottom of the screen, just after the six action buttons for recording,  
playing, erasing, adding a title, choosing a category, or adding a  
status flag. You'll hear "0 per cent, adjustable, swipe up to  
increase, swipe down to decrease." If you have paused the recording  
part way through playing it back, you'll hear it say some number like  
"24 per cent" at the beginning. Swipe down until you hear "0 per cent"  
if you want to move to the beginning of the recording.  If you want to  
check a specific part of your recording, swipe to the estimated  
location, then flick left to the play/pause button and double tap to  
review.  If you need to check the time in minutes or seconds, double  
tap to pause the recording and flick left to read off the current  
playhead position (e.g. "0:45 of 1:12").  This doesn't update if you  
simply change the slider for the playhead position, so just do two  
fast double taps to play and then pause the recording if you want to  
know what your slider "per cent" position corresponds to in terms of  
minutes or seconds.

When you work from the recorder screen, you must use the "Actions"  
button at the bottom of the screen to save your recording.  You can  
only exit from this screen via the "Cancel" button or the "Actions"  
button at the bottom.  If you want to rename your Express recording,  
file it under a specific recording category, or add to the recording,  
you would do it from this screen.  Incidentally, although the  
recording title field is announced as "Text field, double tap to  
edit", you'd have to do a double tap and hold pass-through gesture to  
bring up the virtual keyboard here.  It's easier to flick right to the  
"Title" button and double tap.  Then, with the insertion point at the  
end, use the delete key to clear off the "Express 1" name, type in the  
title you want, and double tap the "Done" button at the bottom right  
corner of the virtual keyboard.  To file the recording in a specific  
category,  flick to the "Categories" button and double tap, then swipe  
up or down to choose the category from the picker items and flick left  
to the "Done" button and double tap (or to the "Cancel" button if you  
don't want to change the category).   After making all the changes you  
want, flick to the "Actions" button at the bottom right of the  
"Recorder" screen and double tap.  Select the "Save Recording" button  
and double tap.  You can also Email the recording to yourself, or to a  
friend or contact, or try out the transcription services.  (Some of  
those options,  like transcribing to SMS text messages, only work for  
an iPhone.)

To transfer files directly to your computer on the same wireless  
network, go to the "Recordings" screen, which is where you will be  
located once you have saved your recording. You can first choose a  
folder that you want to sync, or just use "All Recordings".  From the  
"Express Mode" screen you can get here by selecting the "Recordings"  
button. Near the bottom of the screen, just above the five buttons for  
"Recorder", "Friends", "Recordings", "Express", and "Settings" there  
are two large buttons: "New" for starting a new recording and  
"VoxieSync".  Double tap "VoxieSync".  This button brings up a screen  
that tells you the IP address to use for your computer's browser.  It  
will be the IP address for your iPhone or iPod Touch on the local  
network, followed by a colon and the port number "8080", and might  
look something like:

This same address (without the colon and the number "8080") is also  
the IP Address listed in your Settings > Wi-FI menu if you navigate to  
your selected network and flick right to the "more info" and double  
tap. Just type the address numbers into the address bar of your  
browser and press enter.  The web page of your browser will display a  
list of the recordings in your selected category, along with  
information on size and creation date. Just download the files you  
want from the links on the page and save them any where on your  
computer.  Even if you are not in a location with a wireless network,  
you can probably create an ad hoc wireless network between your  
computer and iPhone or iPod Touch using the wireless card of your  
computer, and transfer the files.  (I'm not sure how to do this on a  
PC, but on a Mac you select "Create network" from the Wireless menu on  
your status bar instead of choosing an external Wi-Fi system, and  
assign it a name like Chris's Computer.  Then you select Chris's  
Computer as the network to join in the Settings > Wi-Fi menu of your  
iPhone.)  Once you're done transferring files through your Computer's  
web browser, double tap the "Finished" button on the VoxieSync screen.

Chris wrote:
> The recording comes across in a aif file format.  In order to play  
> it on
> your pc you'll need a player which can handle this format or convert  
> it
> to wav before playing.

Chris, since you're using iTunes to sync your music and apps to your  
iPhone and iTunes plays AIF files, you can use it to either play or  
convert the AIF files. Import them into iTunes by using the "Add to  
Library" command (shortcut keys Control-O) in the iTunes File menu.  
Or, you can use QuickTime Player, which was loaded with iTunes, to  
play these files without importing them into iTunes.

> Now that many of us have access to Dragon Dictation, the voxie
> transcription service isn't  the first option.
Dragon Dictation is only currently available for U.S. users.  Voxie  
Pro has other features that have not been mentioned here, in addition  
to the convenience of the Express mode recording, that may make it  
worthwhile even without use of the transcription service.  Some of  
these features will be of most interest to podcasters.

>> Here are links that I found useful:
>> • Frequently asked questions / Voxie at the Bottle Rocket Support  
>> Site:
>> http://bottlerocketapps.zendesk.com/forums/25424/entries
>> These are in time order, I think, so all the basic "FAQ's on  
>> Recording", "FAQ's on Express Mode", etc. are links at the bottom,  
>> and the "FAQ's on Voxie Wi-Fi Sync and Copying Files to Your  
>> Computer" and questions about the Voxie transcription service are  
>> at the top.  You can alternatively use the RSS feed link to the  
>> same content:
>> http://bottlerocketapps.zendesk.com/forums/25424/posts.rss
>> There are various reviews of Voxie around, but I found that the  
>> references to using this app for podcast recording  were of most  
>> interest.  You can improve the recording quality with a small  
>> portable mic from touchmic.com, and this works for both the iPod  
>> Touch and the iPhone.
>> • Record Field Podcasts on your iPhone/iPod Touch
>> http://www.unexpectedidea.com/record-field-podcasts-on-your-iphone-ipod-touch/
>> Of more interest are the links to the related posts in this article:
>> * How to transfer Audio files from Voxie Pro to your PC
>> http://www.unexpectedidea.com/how-transfer-audio-files-from-voxie-pro-to-your-pc/
Take a look at links on that page about sample recordings from  
different microphones if you are interested in podcasting.  The app is  
also supposed to be able to keep recording when you device is in sleep  
mode.  You can also check the description and web support address on  
the app's iTunes URL:





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