Hi folks,
Question part two.
Please feel free to correct my ideas here, with solid alternatives based on what I outline as things about which I cannot compromise. First, I have an iPhone 5 ish, that I have yet to find a way to use truth be told. I believe though I may have found, based on my specific needs, a possible quality voice. Whatever Apple item I get will need to manage some programs that I feel are not available for the mac. Symphony pro for example, voice dream reader too, for the reading quality. I will be adding a full sized keyboard, and because the ability to burn items to cd is an absolute necessity, an external drive I already own.
From what I understand that means an IPad.
So two questions. First how is Audible with the IPad? My goal here are the more presentation related items, audible studio for example. Still as I will be moving my items elsewhere, the software itself, linking to Amazon, I hope is solid in IOs? Second, which is the last IPad model that still has a standard headphone jack? I cannot compromise on this because of my headphone requirements. Yes there are adapters, but using one is a last resort, especially how long lived apple technology is in the long run. after all some here are using machines from 2010.

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