Hello Annie,

For the time being, Apple doesn't even provide grade 1 Braille in other 
languages apart from American English. It's my husband who provides all the 
Braille in other languages, and he has not found a way to implement contracted 
Braille. He has had no help whatsoever from Apple in this and he is certainly 
not paid to do it.

In view of the fact that contracted Braille is now provided on the iPhone for 
quite a number of languages, I should imagine that you will get your wish with 
the next level of Mac OS X.



On Jun 27, 2010, at 11:55 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hi all.
> One thing that I would really wish would be implemented is grade two
> braille in other languages than english, I would love a sort of router
> so you can easily change between languages and the braille grade two
> changes too. I would like grade two for danish so much, it would be a
> dream if we could get both 6 dots braille and 8 dots braille, and I
> would love to help apple with testing and correcting and whatever they
> need.
> I would also like a function in text edit or in pages so that we can
> go through a document by selecting headings on defferent levels, if we
> have made them.
> When I would like a function, so we could change braille input keys on
> braille displays, because as it is now, you can only change the
> specific voiceover keys, it would be useful if we could change some
> other commands too. And it would be useful, if we could find a table
> of commands somewhere.
> Best regards Annie.

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