Hello Marlaina

TO actually answer your other questions. I'll just put them below so everyone 
knows which ones I'm referring to.

>>> 1.  When I open mail, it tells me 1 row added or 5 rows added over and over 
>>> until all my mail is downloaded.  Please tell me I can turn that off!
This is not a specific addition to Mail, but applies to all tables within Mac 
OS X. Currently, you cannot turn this off, and I personally find it a useful 
feature. You might consider writing to Apple's accessibility team 
accessibil...@apple.com to suggest this.

>>> 2.  Is there a key sequence I can use to add let's say one address from an 
>>> email to my addressbook?  For example, if I want to add macvisionaries, but 
>>> not the sender from whom the message appears, how do I do that?  My husband 
>>> took the mouse and put it on the to field, which was 
>>> macvisionar...@gmail.com and then he clicked the triangle to the right 
>>> which brought up a menu o choices which included copy address and add to 
>>> addressbook.  How do I do that using vo?
If you go to the TO: field within the Message headers text after interacting 
with it, make sure the mouse is focused on the address as well in the To: 
field. You can do this with VO-Command-F5. Sometimes it does not track 
correctly, though you can verify this by hitting VO-F5. Now, hold down control 
then physically click the mouse. That will bring up the choices. Same applies 
to other fields like "From".

>>> 3. I'm reading a message and decide to keep it, but I don't want to move 
>>> it; I want to leave it in my inbox for now.  How do I close it and be 
>>> returned to my inbox list of messages? Right now I do cmd-w then cmd-1 to 
>>> reopen the inbox; I have to believe there is a better way!
The way you describe it, it sounds like you are using the preview pane to 
review messages. In that case, simply hit VO-J to jump back to the inbox. If 
you are not using the preview pane, hitting COmmand-W closes the window with 
the e-mail you're reading. IF you view e-mails by thread, you will have to 
close all windows with Command-Option-W, then hit Command-1 to open up the 

>>> 4.  I've read the message and from within it, I press backspace to delete 
>>> it.  This takes me back to my list of messages in the inbox, but I hear all 
>>> this verbiage about inbox table one row selected before I hear from whom 
>>> the next message was sent or its subject.  Can I make that stop?
Currently, you cannot do this. I don't see why you would want to, as it comes 
in handy in other situations than mail such as when working with multiple 
selections. However, you may want to suggest a feature like this one.

>>> 5. I am desperate for help in fining attachments; vo tells me there is one, 
>>> but I can't seem to find it.  I've done all sorts of itterations of turning 
>>> long headers on, interacting with toolbar, interacting with message text, 
>>> and the list goes on!  It just escapes me!
When you attach a file or view attachments, it will sometimes put it at the 
bottom. It is displayed as an image to VoiceOVer, or rather...that is the sound 
VoiceOVer uses to indicate there is an attachment. If you receive an attachment 
from a Mac user, you will probably notice that it can be placed anywhere that 
their cursor was located when they attached the file. If it is a Windows user, 
it will probably be placed at the bottom however, to save yourself a headache, 
you can go to the message contents where there will normally be a disclosure 
triangle you can expand to view the attachment, and next to that you can select 
options for the attachments, and which ones to apply the action to. If you 
don't manage to find this, you can go to the file menu and hit "Save 

>>> 6.  I know what the attachment is and decide to save it.  I go to file and 
>>> save attachment and when the filename dialogue box comes up, it doesn't 
>>> read the name of the file.  Is there a way to hear that?
My VoiceOVer reads the attachment just fine including the name if I actually 
move to the text field. If you have multiple attachments you wish to save, you 
cannot change their names of course and no text field will appear. If you 
VO-Shift-M on the attachment within the mail (if you manage to find it) you can 
get options such as "Open attachment", "Open with", "Quick Look" etc. If you 
find the popup I was talking about earlier right next to the "Message headers" 
element, you can choose to save all or one at a time by hitting enter on their 

>>> I hope this was of some help to you. Good luck!

GoogleTalk: chojiro1...@gmail.com
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Nov 8, 2010, at 7:49 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

>>>> 1.  When I open mail, it tells me 1 row added or 5 rows added over and 
>>>> over until all my mail is downloaded.  Please tell me I can turn that off!
>>>> 2.  Is there a key sequence I can use to add let's say one address from an 
>>>> email to my addressbook?  For example, if I want to add macvisionaries, 
>>>> but not the sender from whom the message appears, how do I do that?  My 
>>>> husband took the mouse and put it on the to field, which was 
>>>> macvisionar...@gmail.com and then he clicked the triangle to the right 
>>>> which brought up a menu o choices which included copy address and add to 
>>>> addressbook.  How do I do that using vo?
>>>> 3. I'm reading a message and decide to keep it, but I don't want to move 
>>>> it; I want to leave it in my inbox for now.  How do I close it and be 
>>>> returned to my inbox list of messages? Right now I do cmd-w then cmd-1 to 
>>>> reopen the inbox; I have to believe there is a better way!
>>>> 4.  I've read the message and from within it, I press backspace to delete 
>>>> it.  This takes me back to my list of messages in the inbox, but I hear 
>>>> all this verbiage about inbox table one row selected before I hear from 
>>>> whom the next message was sent or its subject.  Can I make that stop?
>>>> 5. I am desperate for help in fining attachments; vo tells me there is 
>>>> one, but I can't seem to find it.  I've done all sorts of itterations of 
>>>> turning long headers on, interacting with toolbar, interacting with 
>>>> message text, and the list goes on!  It just escapes me!
>>>> 6.  I know what the attachment is and decide to save it.  I go to file and 
>>>> save attachment and when the filename dialogue box comes up, it doesn't 
>>>> read the name of the file.  Is there a way to hear that?
>>>> Ok, those are my questions and I know they are many and basic.  However, I 
>>>> would be so grateful for any insight people can give me.

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