
I had to format my Macbook Pro after having problems with Mobile Me and my I 

I was able to install the operating system myself although my Brother-in-law 
who is a Mac User with Voice Over helped me set up my Time Capsule so was able 
to retrieve my files.  However, when agreeing to the Apple mail licence, and 
going into all the mail settings, my columns are wrong and I can't correct 
them.  In my sent items my columns are correct.  For instance in my sent items 
my columns are from, to, date sent.  This is going from left to right.  However 
in my inbox, going from left to right, I have subject, date received and to. I 
have mail set to threaded view.  Also, I can't have my mail sorted from date 
descending so at the top I want all my old mail where as if I get to the bottom 
my today's mail is shown.  Can anyone help?

I have tried setting up my signature which I was able to do when I first bought 
my Mac Book Pro in May but since the updates, mail is consistently crashing so 
I can't add a signature which is annoying.  I know this topic has been 
discussed.  I have let the problem reporter send problem reports to Apple.

Happy Christmas and a happy new year to you all.


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