This game sounds awesome!
Hopefully everything will work out, although perhaps a very gentle
email every couple of months might not go a miss just to see how / if
things are working out.

Infact, I'd probably go as far as saying that based on your
description, this sounds like it could become my favourite ios game.

On 12/01/2011, Orin <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I contacted the developer of this game. The core of the game is accessible,
> the story. However, the story requires you to hack into terminals, help
> people with networking, etc, as the main character you're Well rounded with
> combat but you primarily perform hacking operations.
> The hacking and combat battles come in the form of visual minigames that,
> depending on how played, effect the outcome of the battle. Possible outcomes
> either you could probably die, get injured, get critically injured, etc.
> Since i paid $2.99 for this app, I was slightly disappointed that the
> battles weren't playable, as that's what makes up most of the game, besides
> telling a sweet story in the process.
> Right now, all we can do is read the introduction and start what I think is
> a tutorial. The problem? You have to hack the security of a Tank, where it
> becomes unplayable. Was surprised to get a response back. Took a few days,
> but here it is.
> P.S. Anyone know how to contact EA Mobile? They've got two totally text
> based games at least that's what I read in reviews, yet VoiceOver is
> completely inaccessible with them. These inparticular would be nice to
> become accessible due to weekly content and or story updates.
> Orin
> Twitter:
> Skype: orin1112
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Agni Studios <>
>> Date: January 12, 2011 2:03:38 AM EST
>> To: Orin <>
>> Subject: Re: Regarding Star Breed
>> Hi Orin,
>> Thank you for contacting us.
>> We are sorry you are having a difficult time playing Star Breed. The hack
>> section was unfortunately designed to be graphical in nature. Voice Over
>> is something that we unfortunately failed to consider while designing the
>> hack mini games. Our sincere apologies. In fact, we have been contacted by
>> a few other VO users too regarding this exact same issue. So, we're
>> discussing this internally to see what's the best way we can implement
>> this for VO users. We're just a 2 man team, so we don't have the kind of
>> resources that the bigger companies do. But, we'll research this more and
>> come back to you soon.
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Suresh V. Selvaraj,
>> Co-Founder,
>> Agni Studios
>> On Jan 9, 2011, at 6:54 AM, Orin wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I just bought Star Breed today because I heard about it on a gamebook
>>> site I was on. Being blind, text based games are a great way to pass the
>>> time since very little graphics are involved. In the case of Star Breed,
>>> using VoiceOver it was difficult to get through the first two intro
>>> screens or so, but I figured it out eventually. The part where I get
>>> stuck though is when I have to help an engineer with a Tank. When I jack
>>> in, I see a screen that says security threat detected or something like
>>> that, with something that says chip timer sequence and medium. When I
>>> double-tap either one of those, the VoiceOver gesture for click, nothing
>>> happens.
>>> Is there possibly anything you can do to make this accessible for
>>> VoiceOver blind users? The story parts are great, but so far I'm unable
>>> to hack to get passed this tank thing. Love the music I've heard both in
>>> the main menu and in the game, on the intro and getting briefed, hope
>>> there's a few more tracks. And I hope you guys can somehow make this
>>> accessible so my money would be well spent and I can continue the game.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Orin
>>> Twitter:
>>> Skype: orin1112
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