Hi all,

The LookTel Money Reader is the subject of The New York Times Technology 
coverage in today's blog article, "An iPhone App Helps the Blind Identify 
Currency" by Nick Bolton:


Could some of our articulate list members get on the blog and post a comment?  
The current comments are all of the nature:
"How do blind people use a touchscreen?" and "How would a blind person know the 
camera was pointed at the money? The technology is nice but I doubt this will 
help the blind very much." and "uh… can someone explain to me how a blind 
person can operate the iPhone without sight?"

You have to register to post.  I have to dash, so I can't answer this myself, 
but it would be nice if somebody brought this to mainstream attention -- like 
the fact that the various iPhone lists probably have over a thousand unique 



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