Hello group; I know this is somewhat off topic, but I'm hoping the mac users who operate their own websites will help me out where other lists have failed me. I'm wanting to create a rotating banner for my website to show one advertisement each time a page loads or is refreshed. I'm hoping for free and very simple. I understand that it will probably involve modifying a java or php script. I'm ok with putting my data in someone else's form, but that's the limit of my skills. No money in the budget for a webmaster and still have trust issues even if it wasn't a matter of money. but I will give one of the spaces in the rotation to whomever can help me solve this problem. My site is www.midwaymarketplace.com if you want to check out the site or its rankings. I really hope someone here can help me. I'm hoping that if I put some sample ads up or a this space for sale here i might be able to generate enough income to start doing some other things like conferences, trade shows, or advertising myself. Thanks in advance for any help. and i hope the moderator will excuse me. If you have to put me on monitored or something, that's fine; but i didn't know who else to ask. take care, Max
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