Perhaps I'm missing something, but surely you can just ethernet it up
to see if you need to download any updates?

On 19/03/2011, Brent Harding <> wrote:
> Hi there. After taking my 13-inch Macbook to a little shop a friend of dad
> knew of, they finally got Boot Camp and XP going on this somewhat older
> white Macbook. One of the major problems, well, the only thing I've noticed
> so far is that no matter how I reconfigure my router, the wifi either times
> out connecting or says that I might be out of range. If I'm across the room
> from the thing, it better not be out of range because if I hit connect on
> other ones I have no clue who owns them, those will ask me for the password.
> The strange thing is that my own wifi works fine booting up from Snow
> Leopard, but not XP. I tried lowering security all the way down to WEP as
> believe it or not, all the other routers according to the network table in
> the airport thingy say WEP in them,     how aweful from a security
> standpoint but I don't know who owns any of them to get into temporarily to
> download some updates and see if that solves this. At the place I live at,
> doubt anyone would know their SSID because they're all non-descript, some
> 2-wire and numbers, one real long and random one and a cellular-connected
> one through a local provider, so wouldn't know who to ask permission from if
> they knew the default keys. With mine, there's 5 in total I can see from
> here, but the one that refuses to ask for a key has to be mine. I have
> Charter for Internet, and my modem is a SMCD3GN Docsis 3 Wireless gateway,
> all the latest and greatest from what I can tell, even with gigabit
> hardwired ports. How do I force this thing to take on the XP install on my
> Macbook? I really have to wonder if these modems do Mac address registration
> and OS analysis. It lets MacOSX on without a hitch, but when I reboot to XP
> it says I'm out of range almost immediately or it sits there as long as you
> can wait like a firewall would respond if it's decided the answer is no. Is
> there a way I can reset what my gateway thinks about the Mac address for the
> laptop so that it will allow the XP side on? I wonder then if it will forbid
> OSX? I don't even know if that shop downloaded that 300 mb update there is
> to the Boot Camp drivers, at least there was when I installed those into a
> demo of fusion. Is there a way to download them with a PC and install via
> USB stick since I can't find an open network? If not, what kind of 2Wire
> Docsis 3 modem can I buy myself to replace this thing, figuring if I have my
> own, this silly detection won't be there? I suppose if I convinced Charter
> to send another one, I have to be careful to connect wirelessly with the
> windows side first and see if it then locks Mac out, but I'd rather not go
> through that mess.
> Thanks.
> --
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