
I sometimes find that a few of the Google Groups posts come in either multiple 
times or else oddly delayed.  This means that I may see a list post with a 
response to someone else's reply to my post before I see the initial reply.  
Usually, I'll see the earlier post show up eventually.  From what I've read, 
both of these glitches occasionally happens with Google Groups lists and Google 
accounts for unknown reasons, and can affect different groups of people when it 
occurs.  This doesn't happen very frequently to me, but it does sometimes 
happen for my mail.  It's only associated with the Google Groups lists.

While I don't have an idea of why this happens, I do have a solution for a 
possible workaround: check the Mail Archive sites for both the macvisionaries 
list and the ptaccess list.  Fortunately for you, both these lists are archived 
• Pro Tools Access list at Mail Archive: 
• Macvisionaries list at Mail Archive:

The default access view is organized by thread, so you can just find the topic 
and navigate down the thread by pressing Control+n to read the next post in the 
thread and Control+p to read the previous post.  If you want to view the list 
of messages as a series of time-ordered items, press Control+i and you'll see 
all the posts, latest post first,  If you read the first post and want to read 
earlier posts, press Control+b to go back (and Control+f to move forward). I 
think the itemized list is limited to the most recent 3000 posts.  To switch 
back to a display of posts by threaded Contents, press Control+c.

This is very handy (quite apart from the superior archive search capabilities 
of the Mail Archive site). If you want to access the macvisionaries list site 
at the Mail Archives through a webloc file -- a file that opens your browser at 
the specified web site location when you open it -- I put a 
macvisionaries.webloc file in the page of downloadable files for this group. Go 
to the main page of the Macvisionaries Google Groups site given at the end of 
this email:
You may have to log in with your Gmail account password to access the File 
pages.  On the main Google Groups page there will be a link for "Download 
Files".  If you download the linked file, you'll get something called 
"".  If it doesn't automatically open, use the context 
menu (VO-Shift-M) and choose the "open with" option and select "Archive 
Utility".  You should then have a small (33 KB) folder named "macvisionaries" 
containing 4 items: an RTF file on suggested corrections for the (Greek) Dmitri 
voice, a macvisionaries logo image file, and two webloc files named 
"macvisionaries.webloc" and "discuss archives.webloc".  The last two files are 
web location files pointing to the current an older (pre-February 2009) 
macvisionaries list searchable archives at the Mail Archive site.

You can use them as a pattern for creating another webloc file for the ptaccess 
list.  Just copy one of these files and rename it to something like 
"ptaccess.webloc" (or other name of your choosing ending in ".webloc").  Then, 
go in and edit the file with TextEdit and replace the URL in the file with the 
URL of new location you want to access. By default, webloc files open in 
Finder, and Finder causes the file to open as a website in your default browser 
(usually Safari), so you need to change the default application used
to open the file.  I recall that, at least in Leopard, as long as the file had 
a webloc extension, even opening in TextEdit made you view this as a web page.  
This doesn't seem true for me in Snow Leopard, and I don't think that I changed 
the TextEdit preferences, but if you have problems editing the file, just 
rename it to being a ".txt" file instead of a ".webloc" file before your open 
with TextEdit.  The webloc file has a very simple structure, so once you've 
opened the file in TextEdit just use "Command+F" to find the string "html", and 
then substitute your new html address for the one that is in the file.  The new 
line should look like an html address surrounded by a "<string>" delimiter at 
the start and followed by "</string>" delimiter at the end.

Apparently, due to changes at Google Groups, the uploaded files for each group 
will only be available until the end of August, and only as a zipped folder of 
all current files.  You can use these files as a pattern for any web sites that 
you want to visit.  I sent a few list members webloc files for the 
site, for example. The main difference with bookmarks is that you can send 
webloc files as attachments.  You can also put them on your Desktop or into 
your dock, and when you open them, you open a page to that site in your 
browser.  These are the kinds of files that get created when sighted users 
"drag the current web page" in their browser to their desktop, by the way.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Jun 10, 2011, at 10:17, Greg Aikens wrote:

> Did you check your junk folder?  Sometimes this happens to me and I find the 
> missing messages there.  
> -Greg
> On Jun 10, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> For some reason, when I look at the messages from this list, the VIPhone 
>> list, and the ProTools Access list, I am not seeing all of the responses to 
>> a topic. I know this because I often see quoted responses below messages I 
>> do get that didn't appear on the list. These don't appear to be off list 
>> messages. I also had someone respond to one of my questions, , and I never 
>> got it. I only saw it in a quoted reply from someone else's response.
>> Any ideas why this might be happening?
>> Friendly,
>> Chris

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