
My project that was accepted for GSoC is called "Picasa plugin for Canola".
The plugin will be able to access the web albums stored at Picasa, to upload
new pictures, to add/update descriptions and tags. It will also use GPS data
to fill location information in picture's meta-data and to search for
pictures taken in current region.

I will use the Python Library provided by Google to communicate with Picasa.
To get the GPS data a good starting point seems to be the python code
published on ITT forum (
http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19009 ). Also the
plugin should be able to interact with Photcast to allow users to access
their albums from one single place.

I'm a 1st year undergraduate student at Babes-Bolyai University in
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, my IRC and garage nicknames are andrei1089.

Andrei Mirestean
maemo-community mailing list

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