Meeting held 2015-07-21 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs at

Attending: Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme), Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen)


Absent: Oksana Tkachenko (Oksana/Wikiwide), William McBee (gerbick), Alexander Kozhevnikov (MentalistTraceur)

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

  - TM donation status
  - Referendum and Elections announcement

(Topic TM donation status):

- Juiceme presented the current donation status; there are currently 1356 euros in donations, so about 1000 euros more is needed for EU trademark refreshing.

(Topic Referendum and Elections announcement):

- Both the referendum and election have been announced and are progressing.

Action Items:

    old items:
- The selected Code of Conduct (KDE) still needs to be published on TMO.
      - Looking into automatic calculation of election results ...
- Contacting freemangordon and merlin1991 about auto-builder: CSSU-thumb target, GCC versions? - Getting maemo trademark registration (everywhere?) renewed (and transferred to MCeV) by the end of February (or within six months since expiry date).
      - Archiving Ovi/Nokia store, especially for Harmattan.
- Contacting Daphne Won on Facebook and LinkedIn to get administrator rights on Facebook for a Maemo member to migrate the plugin to v2.0 API and maintain it in the future.
    new items:


There have been no comments so far.

   - Juice -

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