
>> My suggestion: Forget about this as long as you don't offer a similar
>> feature to replace the builtin stock icons.

My guess would be that Tommi has some long term plan to fix this
properly when there's time. :-)

>> It might be a good idea to
>> modify GTK in a way that only the the stock icons used by an application
>> are kept in memory instead of compiling them into the library.

The builtin stock icon pixel data isn't paged into memory from the
library code unless application uses that.  AFAIK that 40KB memory
(including the allocation overhead, not just sum of allocations)
is used for strdup()ing the icon names, creating objects that are
not used etc, not for pixel data.

> What are 30kb when you look at GTK2 ;-)

One step in making it smaller.

The memory usage can be lowered only by fixing all these
little details, not by some magic incantation...  I'm pretty
sure Gtk developers would have noticed if there's some
unnecessary 1/2MB allocation hiding in an obscure corner
of the code. :-)

        - Eero

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