Am Freitag, den 04.11.2005, 16:30 +0000 schrieb
> I tried to install the python package (from sourceforge 
> ) on my N770. But the device said 
> that the package is already installed.
> Afterwards I tried to start python on the device (typing python on the X 
> Terminal) but it seems not to be there.
> What is going wrong?
> How can I execute an python script on the N770?

I think "package is integrated" means that the package attempts to
install files outside of /var/lib/install, which is forbidden on
the Nokia 770. The Python deb package was made for maemo and not for
the device. You can unpack the package manually and copy the files
in place. Or even put the files into your home directory if you
don't want to mess with the root file system. In that case you
have to adjust the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env variable to include the
path to the Python interpreter library.
If you need more information about installing Python into your
home directory on the device, I can give you a detailed description
how I did this.

Regards, Martin

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