On Mon, 2005-12-05 at 14:14 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
> > make[5]: Entering directory 
> > `/home/jkataja/work/hildonmm/hildonmm-trunk/hildon-fmmm-0.1/hildon-fm/hildon-fmmm'
> > make[5]: *** No rule to make target `file-chooser-dialog.cc', needed by 
> > `file-chooser-dialog.lo'.  Stop.
> That file should be automatically generated from 
> https://stage.maemo.org/svn/maemo/contrib/trunk/hildon-fmmm/hildon-fm/src/file-chooser-dialog.hg
> What autotools (autoconf and automake) versions do you have installed? I
> had to install newer versions when building glibmm and gtkmm from cvs. I
> suggest that you install the latest ones and try a new checkout.
> I install these in $HOME/prefix, and set some environment variables to
> make that prefix work. I wish that jhbuild worked in scratchbox.

By the way, note that the C++ bindings will not be very useful until we
fix some of the *_new() methods in the C code, so that they don't use
private API.

I have a few similar minor patches waiting in mameo's community
bugzilla. I'm not likely to do anything more until they are applied.

Murray Cumming

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