
> This seems to have been reported before (not for the 770):
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1273754&group_id=116589&atid=678258
> <http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1273754&group_id=116589&atid=678258>
>  .
> However, the solution "pskey mapsco 0" only seems to work with CSR
> Bluetooth chips, and the 770 has a TI chip.

I'm overseeing the bluetooth audio on linux project...

Linux only supports SCO transfers for CSR chips. To use the current
btsco stuff, Nokia is going to have to contribute a SCO driver to the
kernel for whatever bluetooth chip they put in the 770.

It's possible that they will route SCO to PCM hardware (direct to audio
hardware or even the dsp) rather than HCI (to the cpu). If this is the
case, btsco etc will need a little hacking to work that way. (Or even
better, to be rewritten)

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