One possibility is to use gdk_window_foreign_new() to wrap the native
window in a GdkWindow object.  Then, after creating a GtkIMMulticontext,
you could try using gtk_im_context_set_client_window() with the new
GdkWindow object.  You'll want to listen for key-press and key-release
signals (hard to do without a GtkWidget, but you should be able to handle
this by listening for these signals on the HildonApp widget), and when you
get these signals you can route them to the GtkIMContext that you created
earlier if appropriate.  Also, look for other e-mails regarding input
methods in the archives for this e-mail list.  Maybe this will work,
although I'm not too hopeful.  You might also consider creating a special 
GtkWidget class that can wrap an arbitrary GdkWindow.  I would have 
suggested the GtkPlug class, but GtkPlug widgets are top-level widgets, 
which won't work here.

Please note that the virtual keyboard is provided in the form of a GTK 
input method, and you'll basically need to use the standard GTK mechanisms 
for working with input methods if you want to use it.


On Wed, 18 Jan 2006, Antonio Gomes wrote:

> Hi there,
> I'm wondering how I can get the Virtual Keyboard service to synchronize with
> non GTK_Widgets (like HTML forms on mozilla-webpages) ?
> Actually, I have some methods already implemented regarding this, and I just
> need communication with VK side (from APIs or whatever). Is there is any API
> to use it, or GTK mask/hide it in its guts ?
> Thanks
> --
> --Antonio Gomes
> http:// tonikitoo (dot) blogspot (dot) com (slash)
> Nokia Technology Institute

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