On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 15:56 +0200, Kalle Vahlman wrote:
> On 2/17/06, Murray Cumming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > String freezes should fix this problem. And in extreme cases, you can,
> > for instance, change the English U.S. translation, and leave the string
> > wrong in the C locale.
> Of course, if the UI's and strings are ok and approved in the fully
> featured and complete design documents few months or even weeks before
> the project release date.
> How many of those do you think will evaluate to "TRUE" at the same
> time in the real corporate world?-)

I don't understand. I pointed out that you can change the English
without breaking the translations, right up to the last moment.

But if your translations are important, then you must have string
freezes, so that the translated strings can be of a similar quality.

> > A change of meaning in an original _should_ be translated.
> The id should be bind to the situation, not the message (thus it won't
> change if the message changes from "network error" to "no
> connections").

That's not a change of meaning.

> > > Also the code side benefits as you can quickly add a string called
> > > "this_app_warns_about_this" instead of waiting for the real and
> > > perfect sentence to be thought up, since it can be done after the code
> > > is already done (without changes to it).
> >
> > I can put "this_app_warns_about_this" in regular source code, and the
> > effect will be the same. It doesn't help me if, when I think up the
> > correct text, I have to put it in a separate file instead of in the
> > source code. Why would we want to not change the source code?
> Costs money. Integration. Translations can be separate packages, not
> related to the binary pakcage in any other way than those ids.

OK, if recompilation is not possible then there is indeed a problem. I
have experienced such projects. This situation is best avoided.

As far as I can tell, this is the only justification so far for these
IDs. It would be nice for that to be documented somewhere. Thanks.

> And yes, if *you* think up the correct text, *you* can compile it
> yourself, and probably even update the translations too if it's only a
> typo. But that's not really the case here, the text doesn't come from
> the dev, the translations even less.
> Remember, this is not just a hobby project that two people code at.
> It's (also ;) a real product and has all the baggage that brings...

Remember that GNOME is a massive project with hundreds of people, on a
schedule, with quality translations.

Murray Cumming

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